MSF Scientific Days in
Latin America
A conference without borders

What are Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Scientific Days?
It is a space designed for health professionals around the world to meet to discuss and challenge research within the humanitarian sector in Latin America.
It is an opportunity to think critically and improve our practices.
This edition will take place in November 2024, the conversations will be open
to the general public, schedule the date on your calendar!

While you wait for the event, would you like to watch the debates from two years ago?
Watch the 2022 debates on the impact of COVID-19 on the
migrant population in America
Join a conference without borders!
Event program
14:00 UTC
8:00 CDMX
11:00 Río de Janeiro
Opening remarks.
Session 1:
14:05 UTC
8:05 CDMX
11:05 Río de Janeiro
Insights into Clinical Research Methodology: Crafting Your Study Design
Taissa Vila
The Lancet Regional Health – Americas
15:05 UTC
9:05 CDMX
12:05 Río de Janeiro
15:35 UTC
9:35 CDMX
12:35 Río de Janeiro
Session 2:
15:55 UTC
9:55 CDMX
12:55 Río de Janeiro
How to Get Published: an Editors Perspective
Taissa Vila
The Lancet Regional Health – Americas
Elisa Pucu
Senior Editor - The Lancet Regional Health - Americas
Orison Woolcott
Senior Editor - The Lancet Regional Health - Americas
16:55 UTC
10:55 CDMX
13:55 Río de Janeiro
17:25 UTC
11:25 CDMX
14:25 Río de Janeiro
Closing remarks

Help us change the lives of millions of people
Emergencies take many forms: armed conflicts, epidemics, natural disasters,
malnutrition crises. Your donation makes it possible for our teams to be present to alleviate suffering and save lives